Simone Dvoskin
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Simone is a third-year Geography/Environmental Studies major, pursuing a minor in the ever-difficult Geospatial Information Systems and Technology. Her thirst for knowledge has led her to want to go to grad school, although for what, she has not decided yet; it's between law and urban planning at the moment. She enjoys picking out grammatical mistakes, watching sitcoms, hanging out with friends, and driving around to explore new places. She is an animal lover who enjoys spending time with her dog, Zorro, and her cat, Max. You can catch her voice on UCLA Radio, where she serves as a DJ to an alternative/rock show. She plans to walk at graduation this spring (yes, you read that right, she's a third year who's graduating), and then spend next fall abroad in London.

Traveling Jews: tips for going abroad

While the official school year is nearing its close, many students are making plans for the future. For some, this means preparing for a study abroad program and/or traveling to other countries during their much deserved “break time.” As someone…

Recovering the plundering of the Holocaust

“Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I” by Gustav Klimt, Public Domain ____________ The Holocaust was one of the worst events in human history, and people keep it in their minds so they should never forget. Never forget the infiltrations of Nazis…