“The Place”

Growing up, I attended Jewish day school where I interacted with Jewish wisdom, community, and culture on a daily basis. Since coming to UCLA I have felt more distant from the Jewish community and have had to define what Judaism…

Jewish Pride at the Bayit

The resurgence of rampant antisemitism has clouded the Jewish community’s experiences, thoughts and conversations. This shift has been felt on UCLA’s campus, where some UCLA Jewish students feel uncomfortable to publically share aspects of their Jewish identity. Just this month,…

High Holy Days: Cannabis and its Connections to Jewish Culture.

With April 20th on the way, arguably a national “high holy day” for stoners across the globe, the world of marijuana is given a huge spotlight, especially among the youth. It’s no secret that we’ve seen menorah-shaped glass bongs or…

To Matzah or Not To Matzah?

It is certainly no secret that celebrating holidays on campus is quite difficult as a student; on Yom Kippur, considered one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar, we have mandatory classes or examinations. Likewise, on Passover, which commemorates…

Shavuot Customs and Modern-Day Lessons We Can Take From The Book of Ruth

Background on Shavuot: The Spring Harvest Festival The end of the Spring Quarter coincides with one of the most significant holidays in Jewish tradition: Shavuot. Shavuot celebrates the spring harvest festival and marks the acceptance of the Torah–the Jewish Book…

“Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother”: A Surprising Source for Modern-Day Motivation

Perform a quick search of “motivational quotes” on Google and you will be greeted with a large sample of internet wisdom. Like these: “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” “Nothing is impossible – the word itself says, ‘I’m possible.” With…

The Wonderful Timing of Purim This Year

While children across Jewish Day Schools are reciting the infamous Purim song La Kova Sheli Shalosh Pinot and stuffing their faces with handfuls of Hamantaschen, the reality of the ironically perfect timing of Purim this year rings a more grim…

Purim 5783: Lots of Luck

You know how it feels to search frantically for something – say, your car keys – only to discover that they were in your pocket all along?  This is how I felt as I was brainstorming some topics relating to…