Art Gone Wrong: A Case for the Role of Women in Orthodox Judaism

On September 21, 2024, I eagerly woke up for the first Shabbat of the academic year, excited to attend Hillel’s Shabbat services organized by the OU-JLIC branch. After the morning prayers, I headed to the OKT lunch room for the…

A Letter to the Friends I’ve Lost Since October 7

To the friends I’ve lost since October 7— my childhood best friend, a high school love, the girl who introduced me to my favorite band, among others. I never imagined that a day would come when I would have to…

World Arts and Cultures Department Displays Pro-Hamas Artwork: Jewish Student Perspectives on Their Culture’s Exclusion

World Arts and Cultures (WAC) at UCLA prides itself on establishing a community that embraces diversity. However, within the halls of Kaufman, the home of WAC, laid a more sinister display. Laden in the central walkway for all eyes to…

Opinion: UCLA SJP Post Implies Violence Against All Israelis

As of this morning, UCLA’s SJP chapter has posted a series of screenshots to their Instagram story originally posted by the account savesheikhjarrahnow.  One post reads that “the notion of a good ‘Israeli’ settler is every bit as absurd and…

My College Dream Turned Nightmare

“College is going to be the best four years of your life.” When I was in high school, I had heard this statement countless times and spent my senior year envisioning what the next chapter of my life would look…

Unraveling Unity: How Chaos Won at Universities

When was the last time you defended something that you believed in? Was it discussing dinner with your partner? Perhaps talking about an upcoming election or standing up for a friend in need? Now, think about why you defended it. Was…

Opinion: Good Discussion Requires Good History

Rational discussion about the Israeli-Palestine conflict has been overridden by morally loaded language that hinders achieving productive dialogue. The rise of social media and the subsequent spreading of misinformation has exacerbated this problem. Morally loaded language such as “apartheid”, “settler-colonialism”,…

At UCLA, Waving the White Flag Turned Campus Dark

Image captured by Hailey Zill Oscar Wilde once famously said: “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he’ll tell you the truth.” Late on Tuesday night, April 30, precisely such a…

University Leaders Turn a Blind Eye to Campus Anti-Semitism

On December 9th, 2023, the Students for Justice in Palestine Chapter (SJP) at UCLA published an Instagram post claiming that “This fall, Palestinian, Muslim, SWANA and pro-Palestine” students have faced “targeted and violent harassment.” All forms of discrimination should be…

My Six-Pointed Friend

The following poem and subsequent commentary were submitted by Hailey Zill, a third-year student majoring in World Arts and Cultures and Sociology. Hailey is passionate about all things art, Jewish, and travel but most importantly, she loves cats; she is…