Queen Shlomzion: The Last King of Ancient Israel

The most impactful ruler of ancient Israel might not have been King David, but a queen by the name of Alexandra Shlomzion. For a long time, this powerful queen had been forgotten from history, but with the unearthing of the…

Vegan Shavuot

Shavuot, the Jewish Spring Harvest Festival, centers around many deep-rooted Jewish customs such as all night learning, Tikkun Leil Shavuot. This kabbalistic tradition aims to correct the faults of our ancestors, who were unprepared to receive the Torah, by demonstrating…

“Love Punk Rock, Hate Nazis”: How Punk Rock Mobilized Against Fascism and An Interview with Brian Brannon of JFA

Playlist to accompany ofc- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3sqFbCB2Y5L0sQ4tr6Tsky  NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF! A hundred thousand punk rockers, adorned with anti-Nazi paraphernalia, band merchandise and crude denim jackets, walk seven miles through bustling Central London. Their march crosses key National Front strongholds. A masked…

Paper Golems: An Interview with Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik

“I always knew that we were going to be really Jewish,” artist Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik told me. His exhibit, Paper Golems: A Pandemic Diary is currently on display at the Dortort Center for Creativity in the Arts at UCLA Hillel.  “I’ve…

18 Mizrahi Dishes because Mizrahi Heritage Month is Never Over!

Mizrahi Heritage Month ended in November, but it is not over in our hearts. According to The New York Times and other sources, Mizrahi is “an umbrella term for Jews from North Africa and the Middle East.” Mizrahi Jewry contains…

Jewish World Series

There is a famous scene in the 1980s classic film Airplane, where an elderly woman asks the flight attendant for some “light reading.”  Cleverly, the flight attendant hands her back a leaflet titled “famous Jewish sports legends.”  From actors to…

Rocking it from the Casbah to CBGB’s: How Jews Pioneered Punk Rock

Playlist to accompany- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/169oIfuoRJ1HVBo0AxE8lN  With its blaring power chords, anti-establishment overtones and do-it-yourself fashion, the early punk scene is the last place you’d expect to find angsty Jews. Yet from Sylvian Mizrahi and Johnny Thunders of the New York Dolls…

Freshman Finds Comfort in Jewish Community

“There are Jews in Nebraska?” said my new roommate, smiling at me with oblivious enthusiasm. “There’s a small community,” I said, thinking back to the intimate Jewish cohort of 16 I grew up going to synagogue with. Being raised in…

Return to Campus Spaces

For students coming back to Jewish spaces at UCLA, return has meant an exciting redefinition of places like Hillel and the Bayit, as well as challenges with attendance and community.  During one Friday night dinner in the beginning of the…

At Home at UCLA

On a humid Westwood night, my roommates, Mai and Chelsea, and I were walking back to our dorm.  Our stomachs ached with laughter and our bellies were full from a night out.  “Which way should we take home?” Mai asked.…