Connection between Kippah and Hijab

Illustration by Jordana Attias __________________ The print version of this article contained an error and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for more information. If you were to take a walk around the UCLA campus, you would…

A First Amendment problem and what UCLA should do about it

Illustration by Allison Hernandez __________________ It’s the first day of the quarter and your professor has just handed out copies of her syllabus and course schedule. Scanning down the list of assignments, quizzes and exams, you pencil them into your…

Two years later: Q&A with former USAC president David Bocarsly

Photo courtesy of David Bocarsly ________________ David Bocarsly is a former Undergraduate Student Association Council member who served as General Representative from 2011-2012 and USAC’s 100th president during 2012-2013. He is currently in New York finishing a 9-month Coro Fellowship…

New beginnings and bittersweet goodbyes: the Rupps, JAM at UCLA’s power couple, are moving to San Diego

There are certain moments in our lives that are particularly suited to self-reflection. As graduation is steadily approaching, I’ve found myself more enveloped in these moments, thinking about how I’ve changed — and noticing the changes in others. Thinking about…

‘The Most Influential Rabbi in America’ on Judaism, college, and dating

Photo courtesy of Rabbi Wolpe ______________ Entering Rabbi David Wolpe’s office in Sinai Temple was a surreal experience for me. The last time I came to his office, I was 13 years old and with my parents; we all discussed…

Jamaican and Jewish: overcoming adversity and finding G-d

Photo by Elinor Samuel ____________ Hughlin Boyd, a UCLA PhD candidate, frequenter of Hillel, and successful lawyer and politician, shares his story about how he crossed countries and cultures to reach his goals despite the challenges he has faced. Boyd,…