Israel-Germany relations: based on interests or on emotions?

“Every German deserves to die … their hands are covered with Jewish blood … Therefore, there is neither absolution nor forgiveness, and no normal relations will ever be possible between us.” These were not the rantings of a madman. This…

Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 and anti-Semitism

Despite its increasing presence and impact on college campuses, anti-Semitism’s definition has become inexplicably blurred and political. The Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 was proposed this March urging University of California campuses to condemn anti-Semitism and racism. Responses have varied; however,…

All in the same: a walk through four quarters in “Jerusalem 3D”

My Mother’s Day was spent visiting the mother of all lands, Eretz Israel. After a short drive to the California Science Center in downtown, my family and I were graced with a long line for the sold out screening of…

Sefirat Ha’Omer: the 49-day challenge

You shall count for yourselves — from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving — seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count…

Uncomfortable questions left unanswered: Ethiopian Jews in Israel and their fight for justice

A line of policemen armed with shields and stun grenades position themselves across a mob of angry protesters. The protesters wield signs reading “Stop police brutality” and “Black is not a crime.” Their hearts are filled with anger, frustration, and…

Taste of Torah: breaking free of the materialistic pursuit

Written by Gil Bar-Or It has been over 3000 years since we were freed from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, but it appears that today we are still bound by another set of shackles. The culture of materialism that…

Hiding behind progression: Jewish passivity in the 1960s and beyond in America

The 1960s marked a time of revolution and confrontation for many minorities, including Jews. However, Jews hardly addressed their experiences of anti-Semitism during this time. Why did they not respond to discrimination, and what should we should do now to solve the resulting crisis?

The difficult history of Russian Jews

How can it be that there are so few religious Russian Jews left, when the vast majority of 18th century Jews lived in the Russian Empire? In fact, it is estimated that the Russian Empire had a population of 5.25…

Kosher Korner: Shavuot cheese lasagna

Shavuot, coming up in just over two weeks, is the holiday celebrating the giving of the Torah, as well as the holiday of dairy decadence. This break from the heavy meat consumption common to many homes during most Jewish holidays…

Taste of Torah: Lag Ba’Omer Video

Video by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus ______________ This article is part of Ha’Am’s Friday Taste of Torah column. Each week, a different UCLA community member will contribute some words of Jewish wisdom in preparation for Shabbat.