
“Pharaoh” Morsi and Israeli foreign relations: is the broker for peace broke?

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Comments (4)
  1. Jacob says:

    It looks like you’ve put a question mark in the area on the map where Eritrea is located. Israel and Eritrea have had diplomatic relations since Eritrea’s independence in 1993. In fact, Eritrea’s official name, the State of Eritrea is based off of Israel official title, the State of Israel. Likewise the Eritrean Defense Force is named off of the Israel Defense Force. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eritrea%E2%80%93Israel_relations

  2. Elon says:

    I agree with Jacob. Israeli-Eritrean relations are pretty secure.

    As for Morsi, you never can tell with these quiet “second in command” types. But I think he will survive this unrest. And I also think that if he does not, Israel will be in far worse straights.

  3. Devorah Friedman says:

    While Eritrea seems to formerly have had an unusually good relationship with Israel, much of the information cited by the Wikipedia article is outdated by over ten years (it’s from 2000). More recently, in 2008, the Eritrean government put out a statement that “[t]he people and Government of Eritrea express deep and unreserved sympathy to the innocent and defenseless Palestinian people in Gaza who are currently being subjected to unacceptable atrocities” and hopes that “the incoming Barack Obama Administration would assume its historic responsibility” (http://www.webcitation.org/5e5lajuRb).

    The statement does not specify by whom the “atrocities” are committed. While Hamas has committed and continues to commit terrible crimes against Gazans, the immediate association that would jump to the minds of most people is that the “atrocities” are Israel’s work. This ambiguously worded statement does not sound like a statement of friendship from Eritrea to Israel.

    Israel has also been struggling to deal with illegal immigrants, most of whom are from the Sudan and Eritrea (see the BBC article about it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-19513645), and tensions as well as legal action have risen against it for its methods used. This most likely has caused at least some resentment between Israel and Eritrea, especially as Israel recently sent back some Eritrean immigrants to Egypt (possibly unwillingly), from where they had tried crossing over to Israel.

    Also, my main source for this article was the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Relations, which does not mention Eritrea at all, indicating a lack of foreign relations (Syria is not mentioned either) or a reluctance to touch upon a sticky subject. Hence the question mark — it’s unclear what exactly the situation is.

  4. Jacob says:

    Sorry to beat a dead horse, but here’s the address of the Israeli embassy in Eritrea: http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Sherut/IsraeliAbroad/Continents/Africa/Eritrea/

    And here’s the reaction of Jordanian Information Minister Sameeh Maaytah to Operation Pillar of Defense: “Israel’s aggressive policy placed the area again in a cycle of violence and instability. This additional hostility… closes all doors on negotiations and the achievement of political arrangements. Israel deprives the Palestinian people of their political and national right to create an independent state… Israel’s aggression needs to be stopped and the Palestinian people need to be protected.”

    Should we now change the check to a question mark?

    We need to distinguish “good relations” based on random statements from official diplomatic relations. It seemed from your article that the check, X, and question marks indicated the latter. It should also be clarified that Israel still does have diplomatic relations with Egypt, despite Morsi’s recent behavior.