Monday morning. ______(expletive). You _____(verb) yourself out of bed and head over to your _____(subject) class. Your breath smells like_____(smell) so you pop a _____(something that goes in your mouth). After class you head over to the Hillel to _____(activity) but instead end up taking a ____(adjective) nap. You oversleep and wake up to find that night has fallen and _____ (noun plural) )are in the sky. You are now walking through UCLA campus with your _____(adjective) _______(proper noun) when suddenly we behold a truly amazing sight. It is the Bruin Bear wearing a _________(religious garment) and it has come alive. Jumping off its pedestal, it runs toward you and your ______(noun), performing multiple ______(action plural). Bears are really scary, so you try and___(action) but the Bear approaches you and______(action plural) you in a _____(adjective) way… The moral of the story: don’t _____(verb) with a bear. The END.