The Debt America Never Repaid: Haym Salomon, the Sephardic Jew Who Financed the Revolution

Jews can claim credit for some of the world’s most valuable inventions—Google, pacemakers, Adam Sandler, stainless steel, Barbie, aspirin. But perhaps their most overlooked contribution? The United States of America itself. Haym Salomon, a Sephardic Jew, was not merely a…

Baking for the Soul: How Challah-Making Elevates and Inspires

Growing up, challah was a staple in my household, as it is in many Jewish homes. As a child, I would braid challah at school on Friday mornings, bake it, and enjoy it on my way home. It also graces…

A Judaism Engaged: Tikvah’s Answer to the Intellectual and Moral Challenges of Our Time

In an interview hosted by Yeshiva University with the honorable Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, when asked about his opinion on the concept of “Modern Orthodox Judaism,” he urged the institution to drop that phrase, and instead elect an identity that…

Faith in Care: Religious Concordance Between Patients and Physicians

Imagine you are searching for a new doctor—perhaps due to persistent neck pain, because your relatives haven’t had a physical in years, or because your previous doctor has retired. You find yourself scrolling through a list of physicians at a…

The Beauty of Shabbat (and Why You Should Join Sinai Scholars!)

This past weekend, I completed my third fully shomer Shabbat: no technology, no driving – the whole deal. Keeping Shabbos is an ideal that I’ve been working towards for the past few months. Now that I’ve observed a few “full”…

The Photographs That Survived Auschwitz—A Legacy of Remembrance and Resilience

If a tree falls in the forest with no one to hear it, how can we prove it made a sound—and, years later, that it even fell at all? If six million people are murdered, with few images to bear…

The Evolution of the Rophe: How the Power of Healing Transfers from God to Man in Jewish Tradition

As the followers of the world’s first monotheistic religion, the Israelites placed resolute emphasis on God’s omnipotence, especially within the domain of healing. The descendants of ancient Israel continued to observe Hebrew law and tradition, but refined their interpretations of…

Purim 5784: Our place in Jewish history

Upon a surface-level study of Megillat Esther, one quickly realizes that the Scroll of Esther — read twice a year on the evening and morning of the Purim holiday — is a book unlike any other in our literary canon.…

Upon Three Things…

There is a classic Jewish teaching that has become mainstream to such an extent that, I believe, it rarely gets the full contemplation it deserves. Yet, in our current day and age, when many of society’s building blocks are being…

My Six-Pointed Friend

The following poem and subsequent commentary were submitted by Hailey Zill, a third-year student majoring in World Arts and Cultures and Sociology. Hailey is passionate about all things art, Jewish, and travel but most importantly, she loves cats; she is…