The Walls: A political cartoon

Politician Awareness Week(PAW): A Great UCLA Tradition This political cartoon was written by Daniel Peikes and illustrated by Shaina Kashanirokh.

Light out of Darkness: Memories of the Holocaust

This past Wednesday, Feb. 17, I had the pleasure of attending a screening of Andrew Rosenstein’s senior film project, Light out of Darkness: Memories of the Holocaust. Running just under two hours, the film documents the stories, memories and testimonials of…

SSI invites South African speakers for apartheid lecture

In light of week four’s Palestinian Awareness Week, in which Students for Justice in Palestine set up their annual “Apartheid Wall” comparing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to South African apartheid, Students Supporting Israel (SSI) teamed up with StandWIthUs on Feb.…

Can Hillel really be the center of Jewish student life for all Jewish students?

The Zionist (and anti-Zionist) public eye has recently been focused on the Open Hillel movement. Open Hillel is an organization that promotes pluralism of ideas and political opinions within the Jewish community and encourages organizations, such as Hillel, that lead…

Interfaith Shabbat and confronting dialogue

This past Friday night, February 5, Hillel at UCLA hosted “Interfaith Shabbat,” an evening with programming for non-Jewish visitors interested in learning about Judaism and Shabbat and/or building rapport with Jewish students. The evening began with a choice of Orthodox…

Dr. David Menashri’s must-attend Lecture: Iran, the US, and the changing Middle East

This past summer’s nuclear accord between Iran and the superpowers of the United States, France, China, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom has spurred a multitude of opinions among members of the UCLA community. Some see the deal as a…

Why can’t we be friends? Religion and understanding

This past Tuesday, UCLA students gathered for an interfaith event in a small room on the third floor of the Humanities building to discuss many important topics. The event was relatively successful, but due to a miscommunication, there were no…

Chinese-Hebrew Cafe provides an evening of education and cross-cultural interaction

This past Thursday, UCLA’s Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies held its first-ever cross-cultural event, the Chinese-Hebrew Cafe, at which attendees gathered to learn about Chinese and Jewish societies as well as learn some Chinese and Hebrew. The event…

Israel: a values discourse

“The Shalom Hartman Institute is a pluralistic center of research and education deepening and elevating the quality of Jewish life in Israel and around the world. Through our work, we are redefining the conversation about Judaism in modernity, religious pluralism,…

Profile on Dr. Saba Soomekh: the newest administrator of Leve Center for Jewish Studies

With the advent of a new academic year, innovations are practically inevitable for an ever-evolving campus such as UCLA. One novelty at UCLA took place earlier this fall at the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies (CJS), when…