“I’m So Stressed”: a “Be Our Guest” parody

Ah studious Bruins, it is with utmost delicacy and genuine sympathy that we prepare you mentally, for the week that lies ahead. Crack open your books as your professors proudly present — your midterms! I’m..so..stressed! I’m so stressed! Have yet…

Shabbat 3000: this year’s Shabbos Project in Los Angeles

Observance of the Sabbath, also known as Shabbat (שבת in Hebrew), is one of the most well-known, yet least understood, commandments of the Torah. Non-observers might think of Shabbat of a day of full restrictions and limitations; however, it is…

ARTiculations: Week 5

This week’s ARTiculations contribution is from a third-year psychology student, who wishes to keep her identity anonymous.

Genevieve Javidzad Becomes Third Jewish Judicial Board Justice

Javidzad joins Beyda and Vaysman on the Judicial Board

Peace of Art

Last Thursday afternoon, I had to ward my house from cops. Apparently the good Samaritans on frat row, or perhaps passersby, were concerned and decided to let someone know that four “vandals” (as some people had assumed) were parked in…

ARTiculations: Welcome to Ha’Am’s Fall 2015 Ongoing Art Exhibit

Are you a world-renowned painter? Perhaps a top-notch doodler? Do you keep a sketchbook? Does your mom keep your drawings on the fridge? Have you ever gotten a gold star for an art project? Did you ever wish you had?…

Free speech, or stronger statements against anti-Semitism?

A few weeks ago, I attended the most recent University of California Regents’ meeting as a public commentator. Along with with many other concerned students, I stood before and pleaded to the UC Board of Regents to revise the language…

Old mosaic, new eyes: Israel in 3D with the Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies

Two weeks ago I wrote an article about Jerusalem, its vibrant energy, and the stubborn distance between its different groups. I ended with a suggestion, a hope, and a recycled Lennon lyric: let us recognize that despite the differences, we…

Art: an alternative means of interfaith?

Sponsored and funded by the Pamela and Randol Schoenberg Foundation, the Fine Art Show located at Hillel on May 21 drew dozens of applicants and 150 viewers, and left the winner with $1,000 and the Philliss and Lou Mann Prize…

L’Chaim to Rabbi Chaim: Celebrating 40 years of service to Hillel at UCLA

Portrait of Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller in his Hillel office at URC, a selection from “Looking for a Rabbi: Photographs by Shelley Gazin, 1999-2001.” (Copyright 2015. Shelley Gazin. All Rights Reserved.) _______________ Some would start a farewell address to Rabbi Chaim…