Finding Female Empowerment in Judaism, Part II: Women’s Customs

In my prior article, Finding Female Empowerment in Judaism, Part I: The Stories of the Bible, I highlighted several Bible stories that demonstrate and exude female empowerment. I will now continue the series by examining women’s spiritual roles in the…

Kosher Korner: my bubbie’s challah

Most European cultures seem to have some version of traditional, fluffy white bread. Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews, of course, have challah. Although technically challah is a Hebrew word that refers to the portion of bread tithed to priests in the…

Interfaith challah sales help to prevent genocide

Photo by Jacob Goldberg Arriving at Hillel on the last night of sukkot and passing the wooden sukkah on your right painted green, yellow and red, you have the unmistakable feeling of entering a homogenous Jewish environment. Upon ascending one…