The Bund: Hereness and Resistance

Doi’kayt– a Yiddish word signifying “hereness.” For decades, this was the central principle of the General Jewish Labor Bund, a multinational and decentralized labor organization of Yiddish-speaking Eastern European Jews. Founded in 1897, the Bund and its various branches was…

Is it time to move to Israel already? And other questions about the future of Diaspora Judaism

The Impetus: What happened? As most of the world is abundantly aware, on Jan. 7, two radical Muslim terrorists charged the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 journalists whom they held responsible for depicting the prophet…

American Jews recognized with their own heritage month

Irving Berlin. Joan Rivers. Groucho Marx. Sarah Silverman. Fanny Brice. Lou Jacobs. Sophie Tucker. Barbara Streisand. Harry Houdini. George Gershwin. These are comedians, magicians, songwriters, performers, actresses, composers, singers, and even a clown. They are also all Jewish, yes —…