USAC candidates’ intentions to represent the Jewish community

(Graphic courtesy of Madeleine Isaacs / Daily Bruin Senior Staff) ______________________________________ Following recent events surrounding the Undergraduate Students Association Council and the Jewish community, many Jewish students have felt marginalized and unrepresented by their student government. Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions,…

Battling apathy towards Israeli politics in the Jewish student community

J Street and the Jewish Agency recently hosted discussions about the upcoming Israeli elections, in which UCLA students were invited to learn about and debate over the issues that caused the calling of early elections, and discuss how those issues…

The “AVIous Choice”: Jewish Bruins take on USAC

We’ve heard a lot about Bruins United. According to their website, they were “formed in 2004 when only 50 student groups could apply for funding from USAC,” not including “religious, pre-professional, political, and Greek groups.” They successfully advocated for the…