First, God made light: day and night. Then, the sky and the earth. God next made vegetation, then the living creatures, and finally humankind. Genesis 1:28 reads: God blessed [humankind], and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and…
Business, the Natural Environment and Jewish Values: Competing Interests or Symbiosis?
From Ha’Am’s Winter Edition, “The Divide” Conventional public sentiment presumes that pursuit of profit and protection of the environment are mutually exclusive interests. Where does the Halacha — Jewish religious law — fall on these issues? Many businesses have long…
Multinational Initiative Seeks Peace Through Environmental Cooperation
Friends of the Earth Middle East, (FoEME) founded in 1994 originally under the name EcoPeace, is an organization without national identity because it is run by, and serves, three distinct peoples in the Middle East. Israeli co-director Gidon Bromberg was…