On the Topic of Free Will

One of the topics that the majority of people find difficult to understand – is the topic of “Free Will.” Non-Jewish Astrologers always debated whether there is Free Will or not. If indeed there is, as most of them admit,…

The End of Nietzsche: God Is Not Dead, But Undead

From Fall 2016 Print Edition, “Transitions”  “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.” Friedrich Nietzsche is most memorialized in popular philosophy by this catchy, contentious extract from The Gay Science, published in 1882. For all of…

The Fountainheads Advise Us to Dip Our Apples

The Fountainheads are a group of young Israeli dancers, singers, actors and artists, all graduates and students of the Ein Prat Academy for Leadership. This year, they commemorate Rosh Hashanah with yet another Judaicized rendition of a radio favorite – this…