The Bund: Hereness and Resistance

Doi’kayt– a Yiddish word signifying “hereness.” For decades, this was the central principle of the General Jewish Labor Bund, a multinational and decentralized labor organization of Yiddish-speaking Eastern European Jews. Founded in 1897, the Bund and its various branches was…

The difficult history of Russian Jews

How can it be that there are so few religious Russian Jews left, when the vast majority of 18th century Jews lived in the Russian Empire? In fact, it is estimated that the Russian Empire had a population of 5.25…

Israel refuses to take sides on Ukrainian crisis

While the maelstrom that has enveloped Russia-Ukraine relations continues to whirl, Israel has done its best to steer clear of the fray. The Jerusalem Post reported Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s statement on the matter: “[Israel’s] basic position is that…