I left my house before writing this article with a four-course lunch packed in my bag with a note that writes, “I’ll miss your little punim while you’re learning so much in school!”
One might ask, “Did this come from my girlfriend?” but that’s not the case. This came from my Jewish mom!
As everyone with a Jewish mom will agree, Jewish moms have pretty similar tendencies. Jewish moms will feed friends who visit a meals worth of snacks, even if they’re only there for 10 minutes. Afterwards, she will clean up the whole mess and start cooking food for Shabbat…on a Sunday.
All this will be done while managing a house with five kids and a job. Oh, and did I mention that she always has cakes and desserts just sitting around for everyone to eat, especially when they are not hungry?
Does your mom show any of these characteristics? If so, then you definitely have a Jewish mom, whether she is actually Jewish or not!