In this week’s Torah portion “Vayetzeh” we learn how our forefather Jacob was sent by his ma and pa to college, a seven-year program at the University of Haran, ostensibly to escape the wrath and missile rockets of his evil twin Esau.
Of course, immediately upon his arrival Jacob gets tangled up with bullies, women, and crooked dean Lavan (it gets complicated when the dean is also your uncle and father-in-law, times four!). He ends up spending 20 years in University of Haran (must have gotten a couple of PhD degrees!), enrolls in a strange work-study (or work-marry) program, and even then only graduates after pulling a few thousand all-nighters!
But what was his major? It seems like Jacob majored in herding, with a minor in babysitting – 12 kids is no joke!
Before he ever got to Haran, Jacob had made a shopping list. (Maybe it was a Black Friday?) But his shopping list is seemingly inadequate, he asks only for “bread to eat and clothes to wear.” So, are the 11-meal plan and some coupons for school gear at the university store enough?
The real question is, why was he sent to Haran U in the first place? Higher education did not seem to be the goal; after all, Jacob was already living a higher life. Always known for his scholarship and spirituality, growing up in the Holy Land under the guidance of his illustrious parents (that first Jewish shidduch couple), he even got to spend first 15 years of his life with Grandpa Abraham! Not only that, but before arriving at Haran U Jacob detoured to a yeshivah (but “only” for 14 years). What was he missing, some bagels and sweatshirts?
Chassidic teachings explain that as spiritual as Jacob was, his ultimate purpose was to descend to G-dless immoral Haran, and while dealing with the physical reality – family, children, sheep, and even unscrupulous administration – he was to infuse all that materialism with spirituality, truth and Divine purpose. Hence his request for bread and clothes, which is interpreted allegorically as referring to Torah (internalized by soul as spiritual food) and mitzvot (which serve as soul’s spiritual garments).
So too our souls descend to “Haran” – the physical universe and whichever campus we find ourselves on, but are really there to illuminate and spiritualize our material reality through Torah and mitzvot.
So, while you get your higher education, don’t forget your higher purpose!
Shabbat Shalom
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