Bella Brannon


22 Articles0 Comments

Bella is the Editor-in-Chief of Ha'Am, and is a Junior studying Public Affairs, Religion, and Digital Humanities. As an author, Bella is interested in Jewish punk rock, religious liberty law, and Jewish thought.

Daily Bruin Investigation on Israel Rally Reveals Bias

Written by Bella Brannon and Adam Thaw On January 16th, the Daily Bruin published a front-page article titled “Documents reveal details behind planning process of Bruins for Israel rally.” The title suggests a grand exposè. Language describing a “deep search”…

SATIRE: World Peace at Last- UN Agrees that Israel is the Worst

Notes:  This story is inspired by current events. The situation in this story is exaggerated, and the quotes are created to be satirical. The views expressed in this post reflect the views of the author(s) and not UCLA or ASUCLA…

Opinion: Bin Laden Is the Latest TikTok Star. How Did We Get Here?

In the wake of the Hamas terror attacks on Israel, young people have taken to social media to show just how far down the rabbit hole they’ve gone.  Before this week, we could have granted plausible deniability to young people…

Satire: Student Rips Down Poster of Israeli Hostage, Frees Palestine

Notes:  This story is inspired by recent events in the larger world and on campus. The character and situation in this story are exaggerated and not meant to resemble any one student in particular.  The views expressed in this post…

Beyond the Buzzwords: Debunking the Accusation of Israeli Pinkwashing

In the world of BDS activism “pinkwashing” has become the new black, but like most fashion trends, it’s all style and no substance.  The BDS movement often incorporates catchy, but unsubstantiated phrases like “ecological imperialism,” “homonationalism,” and “pinkwashing” into their…

Keith Morris- A Jewish Perspective from the Punk Rock Legend

Playlist- Continuing our series on Judaism and punk rock, Ha’Am interviewed the half-Jewish, punk icon, Keith Morris. Morris’s influence on American hardcore punk rock cannot be understated. The genre began as a rebellion against the commodification of punk rock,…

Toys Were Us: The Decline of Youth

—- “Youth is dead” is a doozy of a claim, but it’s a valid claim. Maybe youth itself isn’t what’s dying, but youthhood. When I talk to my parents, my Jewish Papa, or my hometown Rabbi, they reminisce about the…

“Love Punk Rock, Hate Nazis”: How Punk Rock Mobilized Against Fascism and An Interview with Brian Brannon of JFA

Playlist to accompany ofc-  NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF! A hundred thousand punk rockers, adorned with anti-Nazi paraphernalia, band merchandise and crude denim jackets, walk seven miles through bustling Central London. Their march crosses key National Front strongholds. A masked…

A Love Letter to Jonathan Richman: The Punk Rock, Nice Jewish Boy– playlist In a dizzying era of hedonism and bloated art-rock, Jonathan Richman’s music was “A Plea for Tenderness.” Finding joy in little pleasures is a cornerstone of Richman’s lyricism. “New England” celebrates Maine’s magnificence just as the sweet, nostalgic…