Written by Dovid Gurevich, rabbi of Chabad at UCLA. Three adventurers from France, Italy and Israel were captured by vicious Caribbean cannibals. In an attempt to be “civilized,” the cannibals offered each captive one last wish before being thrown into…
Prodigious Babes of Jewish History: Nitzevet
An Introduction to the Series: Judaism has always been somewhat of a romantic religion to me. Perhaps it is because it never ceases to evoke within me an authentic array of emotions, ranging from awe to love to apprehension. Through…
Taste of Torah: More compassionate than we knew
Written by Kerry Chaplin, rabbinic intern at Hillel at UCLA. My wife and I adopted an almost entirely black puppy recently. His name is Charlie (our last name is Chaplin). When we adopted Charlie, we steeled ourselves for the house…
Taste of Torah: L’Chaim, to life!
Written by Danielle Natelson, director of engagement at Hillel at UCLA. This Taste of Torah goes out to all my friends in the Jewish Bruin class of 2015, so if it’s coming across your news feed I suggest you keep…
Taste of Torah: Abraham’s intervention
Written by Naomi Karp, director of student life at Hillel at UCLA. This week’s Torah portion, Vayeira, is jam packed with action, comedy and drama. The penultimate event is the Akeda, the binding of Isaac. To briefly recap: God instructs…
Taste of Torah: the need for continuous personal growth
Written by Rabbi Jacob Rupp, senior rabbi at the Jewish Awareness Movement at UCLA. Contemporary research reveals that millennials, more than ever before, want to find a job that is fulfilling. Gone are the days that we work for the…
Prodigious Babes of Jewish History: Imma Shalom
Exposition of remarkable, yet obscured, women of holy Jewish texts.
Lag Ba’Omer: holiday of the collective soul
This past weekend, the Jewish nation celebrated Lag Ba’Omer. For the average American Jew, Lag Ba’Omer may be a bit of a mystery — there is no Christian equivalent, it is not commercialized in any way, and pop culture has…
On the up and up: is Passover price inflation real?
Perhaps no holiday tests the Jewish imagination to the same extent as does Passover. Each year, irrespective of locale, Jews are asked to explore their ancestral heritage by recreating the Passover story that traces the Jewish excursion from bondage to…
TBT: The history of Chad Gadya and Passover
In honor of Passover and the Internet sensation of dedicating Thursdays to past experiences, I took to Ha’Am’s archives to find an article that our predecessors wrote about this fine holiday. The following article, “Chad Gadya: Not Just for Passover,”…