Ask Rebecca #1: Relationships, recommendations and politics

People tend to love my honest opinion and unique persona, although at times my outspoken personality has gotten me in trouble. I enjoy expressing my thoughts and helping others; thus, I have decided to create a column in which I…

Purim costumes at UCLA!

As the story of Purim goes, the Jewish people had to conceal their Jewish identities, thus explaining one of reasons why we adorn ourselves with costumes on Purim. Regardless of the reason, who doesn’t love a good dress-up party? On…

New UCPD policy inspired by Jewish holiday of Purim

Inspired by the holiday of Purim, the University of California Police Department has implemented a new test to determine student driver intoxication levels. The new policy, which goes into effect Friday, will have an officer showing students side-by-side photos of…

The Book of Esther and what makes a Jewish hero

In the Torah, a hero is not someone who chooses to do precisely what he or she wants to do as an individual, not someone who never does wrong, and certainly not someone who never errs. In the Torah, a…

JSwipe: coloring outside the lines of dating

Modern Jewish dating has moved way past the traditional matchmaking days á la Yenta of Fiddler on the Roof. Nowadays, Jewish dating generally involves the following questions: Is he a nice Jewish boy? Does she attend synagogue? Is she going…

The persistent stream of Jewish sectarianism

Hinduism has been compared to the Ganges River, for it has been flowing and evolving over many centuries. In order to extend this metaphor to Judaism, one would need to alter it slightly. Judaism is best compared to the river…

Kosher Korner: Cauliflower Banana Bread

It used to bug me that my best friend was a bit of a health nut. I was horrified one Shabbat when she leaned over to me and said, “Hey, you know that banana bread you love so much…the main…

Red strings and Evil Eyes: authentic fad or successful farce?

Those familiar with it as a sartorial accessory might note that the red string has undeniably been a force of incredible success — for those selling the strings at the astounding price of $25 apiece. The real question, however, is…

Kosher Korner: my bubbie’s challah

Most European cultures seem to have some version of traditional, fluffy white bread. Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews, of course, have challah. Although technically challah is a Hebrew word that refers to the portion of bread tithed to priests in the…

Persian Girl Problems

Persian girls are known for their beautiful hair, unique attitudes and determination to succeed. But hold up — it’s not so simple, no one’s life is a happily-every-after fantasyland, and just like everyone else, Persian girls deal with their own…