Return to Campus Spaces

For students coming back to Jewish spaces at UCLA, return has meant an exciting redefinition of places like Hillel and the Bayit, as well as challenges with attendance and community.  During one Friday night dinner in the beginning of the…

At Home at UCLA

On a humid Westwood night, my roommates, Mai and Chelsea, and I were walking back to our dorm.  Our stomachs ached with laughter and our bellies were full from a night out.  “Which way should we take home?” Mai asked.…

Jews in the Civil Rights Movement

On March 21, 1965, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. marched from Selma to Mongtomery, Alabama in order to support voting rights for African Americans. Next to him stood Rabbi Abraham Joshua Herschel, a Jewish theologian who faced Nazi perseuction…

No Action Taken Against Anti-Semitism on Social Media

Social media runs our lives. From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, our phones are bombarded with notifications from various social media sites. We spend an average of over two hour a day on…

Valley Of Tears: A Somber Look at the Yom Kippur War

Earlier this year, as I was doing my patriotic duty by socially distancing and scrolling through HBO Max, I found myself watching an Israeli war series titled Valley of Tears. The show focuses on the Yom Kippur War, a traumatic…

The Mizrahi Black Panthers of Israel

When considering civil rights in Israel you would be remiss to not focus on the treatment of Palestinians, and their relationship with Israelis. But this year marks the 50th anniversary of a different civil rights movement, one that pitted Israeli…

Let There Be Light: What to Watch During Passover Holidays

That special time of year has come again. Seder plates, cups of Maneshevitz, and whacking families members with onions during Dayenu fill our homes every March. As a child, my cousins and I loved searching for the Afikomen, a half-piece…

Historical Ha’Am: “30 Year After and the Threefold Identity of Iranian-American Jews” By Diane Bani-Esraili

In “30 Year After and the Threefold Identity of Iranian-American Jews,” Diane Beni-Esraili explores the dual identities Iranian-american Jews and the struggles of representing her countries, ethnicities, and her faith. Beni-Esraili explains the importance of taking an active role in…

Historical Ha’Am: “Gay and Orthodox: A Struggle for Religious Rights” By Yona Remer

It is always hard to balance different identities especially when facing discrimination. In “Gay and Orthodox: A Struggle for Religious Rights,” Yona Remer discusses the struggles of homosexual Orthodox Jews and their fight to be accepted. Remer explores the discrimination…

Free Speech Is Often Conditional.

While the first amendment specifically protects you from the government, it is the private sector where punishments are doled out. The now infamous anti-communist McCarthyism of the 1950’s was only superficially a government movement. The most glaring example of the…