That’s a Wrap: A Message From the Editor in Chief, Winter 2019

How often do you leave Westwood? When you’re a Jewish student at UCLA, it’s hard to find the time, between classes, studies, campus organizations, and social life to even think about the possibility of taking a day off for a…

Eight Great Purim Costume Ideas

The Jewish holiday Purim begins the evening of Wednesday, March 20th and ends the evening of Thursday, March 21st. Purim celebrates the Jewish people being saved from Haman’s evil plot to kill all of the Jewish people. Purim is known…

How to Explain Judaism to Those Who Ask

“So, am I really going to Hell?” I asked, with the nonchalance of a person inquiring about the weather. It was a Monday, and I was walking back from class with my best friend, Samantha, who was Christian.  She shifted…

Why You Should Get Involved in your Local Jewish Community

Getting involved in your local Jewish community may seem like a daunting task, but you may not realize how welcoming and open most Jewish communities are. Unlike most “religious” communities, people can get involved in their local Jewish community without…

I’m Keeping Shabbat This Year, Here’s Why

There are five days of the workweek and two days of the weekend, and many of us work on every one of them. Such is the life of a young adult in 2019. Shabbat served as a continuation of my…

10 Lesser Known Influential Jewish Women

Women need to take up more space. Here are 10 women, all Jewish, who have done so in their fields and the world. However, these are not your Gloria Steinems or your Ruth Bader Ginsbergs. For this piece, I wish…

10 Ways to Give Charity With an Empty Wallet

“Another GoFundMe.” You wonder aloud if you should dip into your savings. “Donate money to Wikipedia!” You close the tab and eye your wallet warily. Luckily, there are ways to give to others without spending an arm, a leg, and…

10 Reasons College Students Should Go Tech Free On Shabbat

It will allow you to deepen the relationships you care most about. In this day and age, very few people can sit through a concert, a dinner date or a family celebration without taking pictures and checking social media. Unplugging…

The Quintessential Jewish Mom

I left my house before writing this article with a four-course lunch packed in my bag with a note that writes, “I’ll miss your little punim while you’re learning so much in school!” One might ask, “Did this come from…

Wrap Your Head Around This: Women Can Wear Tefillin, Too!

If you were to visit the Western Wall today, you would see public stalls for men to wrap tefillin, a set of leather straps and small boxes meant to be worn during prayer. You would not see any stalls for…