“Off UCLA”: Jewish Resources, Organizations, and Events available during COVID-19

The pandemic has not only changed most students’ lives it has also changed the way Jewish communities on campus operate. Generally, pre-Covid, Jewish organizations such as; OU-JLIC, Hillel, Chabad and JAM would be a safe haven and a place for…

Kosovo, Serbia and Malawi Open Embassies In Jerusalem

Three more countries have announced they will open embassies in Jerusalem in the coming months.  Serbia is planning to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, following the precedent set by the United States and Donald Trump. Malawi and…

Positive News During the Coronavirus Crisis: Celebrities Raise Money to Help Others in Time of Need

Due to COVID-19, many hospitals, small businesses, and relief organizations are under great financial stress. Fortunately though, there are many individuals and groups doing their part to raise funds. For example, many actors and musical artists are hosting online events…

Have You Ever Wondered What Jewish Life is Like at Other Universities?

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I joined the “Zoom University Hillel” Facebook page alongside nearly 15,000 other young Jewish college students from around the world. It has since been utilized for many purposes, including the sharing of memes,…

The Art that Fought the Holocaust

“Black milk of morning we drink you at dusktime  We drink you at noontime and dawntime we drink you at night  We drink and drink We scoop out a grave in the sky where it’s roomy to lie.” Those are…

JoJo Rabbit Review: The Nazi Comedy That Will Have You Laughing and Crying

Writer and director Taika Waititi, best known for his work on Thor: Ragnorak, brings us his satirical dark comedy-drama based during the time of World War II. In the movie, a 10-year-old Nazi-obsessed boy discovers a Jewish girl hiding in…

The Only Way to Win is to be Proud

“She drove me to Hebrew day 6-8th grade almost every day. Lives down the street from me” This was the text I received after Shabbat from a close childhood friend about Lori Gilbert Kaye, the woman who was mercilessly killed…

A Centrist Manifesto on Israel

I am a Jew devoted to Israel. I believe that Jewish life cannot be sustained without Israel at its core, and Israel cannot be sustained without the Jewish people at its side. When I look at Israel, I do not…

SMC Student Raises Over $700 Through Instagram to Help the Less Fortunate

In fall of 2018, Ava Z 21, raised over $700 for socks, sanitary products, and hygiene kits for the homeless with the help of her friend, Adina Jalali. Z, a sociology student at Santa Monica College, said she first thought…

Israeli Breakthrough in Cancer Research Leads to Promising Results

A team of Israeli scientists believe they are on the brink of discovering a cure to cancer. According to 2013-2015 data from the National Cancer Institute, approximately 38.4 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer within their…