
That one time I kept Shabbat

So here’s the deal. I’ve never fully kept Shabbat before. A shame, I know. But this past Shabbat, I decided to give it a try. After a stressful week, a day of rest would be nice. Let’s just say, I’ll…

Why Are Student Leaders and Jewish Bruins Under Attack at UCLA?

There will always be that one person who does not like you. There will always be that one person who thinks you can do no right. And while you acknowledge your own faults, that one person sees them as far…

Shomer Negiah: a touchy subject

When word got out, I braced myself for some interesting reactions (and lots of questions). They ranged from “Wait, are you serious?” to “That’s weird, but cool I guess” to one of my personal favorites from a guy pal, “Ah,…

On the up and up: is Passover price inflation real?

Perhaps no holiday tests the Jewish imagination to the same extent as does Passover. Each year, irrespective of locale, Jews are asked to explore their ancestral heritage by recreating the Passover story that traces the Jewish excursion from bondage to…

Disney’s Bears: a children’s film deserving of criticism

As much as I hate to admit it, I am an urbanite. I enjoy spending time away from the city, but going on a hike is somewhat of a hassle. So when my friend told me about a nature film…

Popping the bubble: transitioning from a small, private high school to a public college

According to the Avi Chai Foundation, a small, but growing, percentage of the Jews in America attend private Jewish schools. In general, these schools are much smaller than private secular schools and even smaller in comparison to most public schools.…

Dayeinu — never enough

“Dayeinu” is one of the more perplexing passages in the Passover Haggadah. It comes as a respite after a long stretch of Talmudic exegesis, and is therefore typically chanted in an exuberant manner. This fosters its interpretation as a song…

Editorial: A response to accusations of Islamophobia and false light shed on the Jewish and pro-Israel community, and USAC candidates

Despite centuries of hostility and animosity, it is always a refreshing endeavor to explore the many similar experiences and values shared by the Abrahamic faiths. Of central importance to all Abrahamic religions is the sanctity of the spoken and written…

Jew-SAC Candidates: Jewish Identities and School Politics

If you have a Facebook account, then you are well aware that it is election season at UCLA. The Undergraduate Students Association Council — the governing body of the Undergraduate Students Association — annually holds elections Spring Quarter to elect…

LA County seal controversy is a heavy cross to bear

To those unfamiliar with the history of Los Angeles County, its official seal appears to be a strange assortment of unfamiliar symbols, with a Native American woman and some animals thrown in for good measure. To those involved in the…