Ultra-Orthodox Jews, unemployment rates, and the Israeli economy

As Americans and inevitable participants in this country’s financial infrastructure, we are all acutely aware of the unforgiving crisis engulfing the economy of the United States and spreading to the rest of the world. In the wake of the ailing…

Answering the call: Jerusalem Online U as a supplementary education for college students and beyond

The Problem: anti-Semitism on American university campuses In order to make life a little simpler and to make sense of a chaotic world, humans subconsciously overlook pressing problems, preventing themselves from seeing the harsh reality in front of them and…

Sikhs, Semites, and the Ignorance Problem

VIDEO: Fox Host Asks About Anti-Semitism At Sikh Temple Following the shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on Sunday, Fox News host Gregg Jarrett asked a nephew of one of the victims, “Have there been any prior acts of violence against…

The Occupation We Choose to Ignore

For thousands of years, my ancestors referred to an arid strip of desert land as our home. Our language bespoke the pain and joy of our national history. We practiced the religion of our ancestors, and we organized our society…

The New Face of Instantaneity: how Twitter describes our world

by Joshua Friedlander Just the other week, New York cops cleared out hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters from Zuccotti Park in Manhattan’s financial district. There was a feeling among the protesters that the movement had come of age, that at last…

I Am a Militant Man: a poem by Joshua Melamed

I am a militant man, because I have been conditioned to be a militant man. I never asked to have the urge to wield a weapon, to want to delve into battle, to gallop terribly against my fellow man. I…

Walkout at Wayne State: Any Better Than the Irvine 11?

Watch the video. Listen to the audio. The clip displays a civil protest and walkout organized by students at Wayne State University in Detroit during a lecture delivered by Jerusalem Post writer and IDF spokesman Gil Hoffman.  [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-QqnRj8Ax4] These students…

Free Speech, Made Equal: a lesson for Daily Bruin opinion writer

In the October 21st Opinion section of the Daily Bruin, In the Know: Irvine 11 Appeal,  writer Brittany Chu attempts to contest the charges of the infringement of free speech, for which the Irvine 11 were convicted. Despite her best…

Jewish Ideals Stand Strong Amidst Occupy Wall Street Anti-Semitism

What began on September 17th, 2011 at Zuccotti Park in New York City as a protest against purportedly greedy Wall Street executives has become a global mutiny of epic proportions. As of October 20th, demonstrators in nearly one thousand cities…

“And Drink Their Words With Thirst”: Have We Lost the Art of Being Students?

Note: This article is a direct response to the claim that “Professors are our employees”, contextually implying that they are there to cater to us, let us soap-box our fancies, and give us a pat on the back at the…