A First Amendment problem and what UCLA should do about it

Illustration by Allison Hernandez __________________ It’s the first day of the quarter and your professor has just handed out copies of her syllabus and course schedule. Scanning down the list of assignments, quizzes and exams, you pencil them into your…

Two years later: Q&A with former USAC president David Bocarsly

Photo courtesy of David Bocarsly ________________ David Bocarsly is a former Undergraduate Student Association Council member who served as General Representative from 2011-2012 and USAC’s 100th president during 2012-2013. He is currently in New York finishing a 9-month Coro Fellowship…

New beginnings and bittersweet goodbyes: the Rupps, JAM at UCLA’s power couple, are moving to San Diego

There are certain moments in our lives that are particularly suited to self-reflection. As graduation is steadily approaching, I’ve found myself more enveloped in these moments, thinking about how I’ve changed — and noticing the changes in others. Thinking about…

A farewell to Ha’Am, my Jewish home

My journey with Ha’Am began as a freshman, when I stalked about the Enormous Activities Fair, searching for clubs to join. My eye caught a young man with a clipboard, emphatically explaining to anyone with a kippah, or a typical…

What this year’s USAC election results mean for the Jewish students

Now that the results of the USAC election are in, Jewish Bruins have begun to contemplate what the upcoming 2015-2016 term will look like. For the first time since 2012, the Bruins United slate has garnered majority representation in student…

Why Jewish life at UCLA is extraordinary

If you are reading this article, you are obviously aware that UCLA has its very own student-run Jewish newsmagazine, Ha’Am! Not many universities can brag about having their own Jewish newsmagazine. Contradictory to what some might believe in light of…

Submission: Sofia Moreno Haq still fails to recognize her own anti-Semitism

(Photo courtesy of Daniel Alcazar / Daily Bruin) _____________________________________________ Written by Tammy Rubin, fourth-year human biology and society major, and Elyssa Schlossberg, fourth-year psychobiology major. Sometimes, the best response is a simple apology. On February 10th, 2015 in one of…

USAC candidates’ intentions to represent the Jewish community

(Graphic courtesy of Madeleine Isaacs / Daily Bruin Senior Staff) ______________________________________ Following recent events surrounding the Undergraduate Students Association Council and the Jewish community, many Jewish students have felt marginalized and unrepresented by their student government. Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions,…

From proxy to president: concerns about USAC Presidential Candidate Morris Sarafian

Photo courtesy of Austin Yu / Daily Bruin Senior Staff ____________________________________________________ Ha’Am, as well as many major national media outlets, have discussed ad nauseam the anti-Semitic comments and/or troubling voting record of USAC council members Fabienne Roth, Negeen Sadeghi-Movahed, Sofia…

Shmuel Rosner talks about the Israeli elections and Iran

On Monday afternoon, shortly after 4:30 pm, the mostly middle-aged to elderly audience members — armed with cookies, pastries and beverages — shifted in their seats as more places were set out to accommodate the large number of attendees to…