>>Ha’Am Winter 2012: Difficult Questions<<
Center for Jewish Studies: Spring 2012 Course Listing
Click here to see the upcoming courses offered by the UCLA Center for Jewish Studies!
SJP and StandWithUs team up to cool campus climate ;)
Had my only contact with Palestine Awareness Week been the formulaic reactions offered by Tammy Rubin and USAC President Emily Resnick, I would have tread carefully across Bruinwalk the following Monday, wary of falling into the gaping wounds in our…
March 11: UCLA Center for Jewish Studies brings Jewish music to campus
Proudly presents a Recital of Jewish and Jewish-themed Music Performed by members of the UCLA voice and instrumental departments, as well as members of the UCLA Chorale Concert will include works by Maurice Ravel, Lazar Weiner, Leonard Bernstein,…
Orthodox Judaism in the western world: a harmonic business deal
Businessmen Steven Spira and Paul Cohen address a roomful of students at the JAM building at UCLA. (photo by Tessa Nath) Observant Judaism and the modern world are not always seen as a completely cohesive pair; people often equate the…
J Street Director Comes to UCLA
On Monday, J Street U at UCLA kicked off the quarter with a discussion with Jeremy Ben-Ami — former presidential adviser and president of J Street. The presentation consisted of a summary of J Street’s policies and a Q&A session with students,…
Ha’Am blogging: 2011 in review
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for our blog! Click here to see the complete report. This quarter, we had readers in countries as distant as Libya, Rwanda, Kenya, Egypt, South Africa, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, India,…
Rabbi Chaim Addresses Trends In Jewish Academic Success
“Parents’ Weekend at UCLA” revealed many of the intimate details of Jewish life on campus. One of these details was the extent to which our leadership takes note of our involvement and progress within the greater UCLA community. On Friday…
Multinational Initiative Seeks Peace Through Environmental Cooperation
Friends of the Earth Middle East, (FoEME) founded in 1994 originally under the name EcoPeace, is an organization without national identity because it is run by, and serves, three distinct peoples in the Middle East. Israeli co-director Gidon Bromberg was…
Tenure Shields Professor From the Consequences of Hate Speech
KENT STATE UNIVERSITY — On Monday evening, KSU students were treated to a presentation by Ishmael Khaldi, a rising star in the Israeli diplomatic corps. Khaldi has served as Israel’s deputy consul general to the Pacific Northwest, and he currently serves…