Jewish dating quiz: what type of Jew is right for you?

Elyssa Schlossberg
After a successful year serving as Ha’am’s freelance advisor and spiritual guide, bringing you such things as the back of the Ha’Am T-shirt, Elyssa decided to actually join Ha’Am in Fall 2013. After a year exercising her love for nit-picky grammar and spending money as copy editor and business manager, respectively, Elyssa decided to go all in. Tessa thwarted her coup attempt, however, so Elyssa settled for external managing editor. Elyssa is a fourth-year, pre-dental psychobiology major. Her other involvements include serving as vice president of the Hillel Student Board, volunteering at Venice Family Clinic, and membership in Global Brigades and the Pre-Dental Student Outreach Program. In her free time, Elyssa enjoys skateboarding, sleeping, spending way too much time at Hillel, and sharing the rich history of the forgotten orange Crispy M&M character.