Submission: Divya Sharma’s BDS Stance still Unclear

Photo credit: Miriam Bribiesca/Daily Bruin As a Jewish student on this campus, I maintain serious reservations regarding the candidacy of Divya Sharma, who is running for Academic Affairs Commissioner (AAC) in the USAC elections occurring this week. These reservations stem from…

Fact Finders Panel Investigates the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

About 60 people participated in a panel discussion on April 27 with alumni of Hillel at UCLA’s Fact Finders trip and watched a documentary filmed during last year’s trip. For the past two years, Fact Finders has brought groups of…

Editorial: USAC Election Endorsements

The editorial board of Ha’Am News is proud to endorse the candidacy of Ms. Arielle Yael Mokhtarzadeh and Mr. Aaron Boudaie for the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Student Association Council (USAC). Ms. Mokhtarzadeh, seeking election as the USAC’S president, would bring extensive…

Students Fail to Gain Credit in Course Allegedly Restricted by Conservative Bias

As of April 16, 2017, two students who were enrolled in Professor Keith Fink’s winter course, Communication Studies 167: Sex, Politics and Race: Free Speech on Campus, have yet to receive either a grade or units for the course. The…

Best of Trader Joe’s: Kosher Edition

Spring quarter at UCLA is perhaps one of the busiest periods of the year for Bruins. In addition to sitting in and studying for classes, students often spend this time preparing for graduate school admission exams, applying for last-minute internships…

Arabic-Hebrew Café Creates Dialogue Through Language

On Wednesday, April 19, UCLA senior and Jewish Studies major, Elizabeth Ho, arranged for volunteer language instructors and students interested in learning new languages or in intercultural dialogue to meet for dinner . The event has taken place once per…

Taste of Torah: Building the World

By: Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan In less than 24 hours, Jewish communities throughout the world will come together to read Parshat Shemini. The portion stands as the climax of a long story that began in Exodus, chapter 25. In our portion,…

Taste of Torah: The Priests

​Passover is a holiday filled with learning — friends and family gather to recount the story of the Jewish people’s journey from slavery to freedom and to ask questions throughout the process. Following the Passover seder, the learning continues through…

In an Attempt to Explain and Save Religion

From Ha’Am’s Winter Edition, “The Divide”  It seems to me that we need to separate what we call “religion” in our modern world into two disparate entities. On the one hand, we have the moral ideas that a religious man…

History of Hypocrisy in UN Attitudes Toward Zionism

From Ha’Am’s Winter Print Edition, “The Divide” There were 33 countries in favor of United Nations Resolution 181(II), which called for the partition of Palestine into independent Arab and Jewish states. At the time of the resolution, 56 countries were…