
Opening eyes: anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism. Yes, folks, today I will be broaching the subject that you have likely pondered, discussed, and debated so much that it seems like reading this article will finally do your brain in like a mallet to a cantaloupe. “Why,…

Israel and Palestine: Beyond two states

Mainstream public discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict revolves entirely around the two-state solution. Under such a peace agreement, the Palestinians recognize Israel’s right to exist and jettison terrorism, tacitly proclaiming that violence is neither an an act of justice nor…

Cleaning up Israel’s politics

During his term as Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert hoped to make history by brokering a historic deal with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Nearly a decade later, he succeeded in making history, albeit for…

The Walls: A political cartoon

Politician Awareness Week(PAW): A Great UCLA Tradition This political cartoon was written by Daniel Peikes and illustrated by Shaina Kashanirokh.

Bernie Sanders wins New Hampshire (and other observations)

On Tuesday, Feb. 9, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders became the first Jewish-American ever to win a presidential primary. Sanders defeated former New York Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by a margin of 22.4 percent, with 60.4 percent of…

Of prophets and politics

Among all of the ridiculousness that is this years presidential race, this past week, Republican candidate Ted Cruz welcomed the support of televangelist Mike Bickle in a statement which can be read here. To be quite frank with you, this really…

Failed Messiah sells out

“I very frequently hear from people: ‘I’m so glad that you do what you do…even though I hate all of it…because I wouldn’t know what’s happening [in my community] if I didn’t [read your articles]. I wouldn’t be able to…

Can Hillel really be the center of Jewish student life for all Jewish students?

The Zionist (and anti-Zionist) public eye has recently been focused on the Open Hillel movement. Open Hillel is an organization that promotes pluralism of ideas and political opinions within the Jewish community and encourages organizations, such as Hillel, that lead…

The Western Wall wails

The Titanic of Today   Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994) of righteous memory, the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the seventh and last leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch dynasty, never visited Israel. He also never gave a definitive reason as to why. Legend…

Interfaith Shabbat and confronting dialogue

This past Friday night, February 5, Hillel at UCLA hosted “Interfaith Shabbat,” an evening with programming for non-Jewish visitors interested in learning about Judaism and Shabbat and/or building rapport with Jewish students. The evening began with a choice of Orthodox…