
Boundless Horizons: How I Decided to Attend Yeshiva

Everyone’s different. I think what did it for me was really getting to know my professors. I was spending time and money on the pursuit of knowledge, led by individuals at the pinnacle of their respective fields. Part of my job as…

The Hanukkah Heroine: Lost in Translation

2017 — what a year for women! Well, maybe not all women (sorry Hillary), but it was definitely a year of breaking the cliché fairy tale storyline and of redefining the character of a “leading” lady. Between Israel’s very own…

National Monuments and Israel’s Eternal Capital: A Cognitive Dissonance in our Community

On Monday, President Donald Trump dispossessed two National Monuments in Utah of more than two million acres of land, representing the largest evisceration of protected territory in American history. On Wednesday, to the deep displeasure of Palestinian political representatives, Arab…

Proposed Tax Law Will Hurt Grad Students

Master’s and Ph.D. Candidates will be asked to pay taxes on funds they never actually receive.

A Call to Action: Treating Everyone in Hillel with Respect and Care

“Even though they like to claim like they do care, no one feels like they care, because at the end of the day, we are not Jewish.”

Community Will Help Us Overcome Anti-Semitism

An anti-Semitic cartoon published in The Daily Californian reminds us that problems of the past remain.

Have the Chutzpah for More Housing

For far too many Californians, the cost of housing in the Golden State has become too high. With one out of three renters shelling out at least half of their income for rent and homeownership remaining nothing more than a…

The Unlikely Zionist

Photo courtesy of BFI “Why do you consider yourself a Zionist?” Recently I have been bombarded by this question from all directions. At UCLA and beyond, those around me genuinely do not understand why this Christian, Armenian-Lebanese student has such…

Photo by kellybdc  I’m not going to waste too much space in this column speaking to the importance of free speech, diversity of opinions and the benefits of engaging in lively academic conversation with those who disagree with us. Blah…
UCLA Jewish Graduation

As the academic year comes to an end, college seniors all over the country will be celebrating their graduations and attending commencement ceremonies. Jewish seniors at UCLA have an additional graduation ceremony to attend— the student-led Jewish graduation that will…