
Submission: I’m not a Nazi, but you’re a fascist.

Photo Credit: Jintak Han/Daily Bruin A couple of days ago, I was called a Nazi. A seemingly lovely young girl got angry about the current political situation in our country and my support for our current president, Donald Trump. In…

Free Kosher Food at UCLA: The Comprehensive List

When UCLA students move into off-campus housing in Westwood or are simply on campus for the day, one of the biggest dilemmas they face is finding affordable and kosher food options. As a junior at UCLA, I have explored the…

Submission: Divya Sharma’s BDS Stance still Unclear

Photo credit: Miriam Bribiesca/Daily Bruin As a Jewish student on this campus, I maintain serious reservations regarding the candidacy of Divya Sharma, who is running for Academic Affairs Commissioner (AAC) in the USAC elections occurring this week. These reservations stem from…

Editorial: USAC Election Endorsements

The editorial board of Ha’Am News is proud to endorse the candidacy of Ms. Arielle Yael Mokhtarzadeh and Mr. Aaron Boudaie for the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Student Association Council (USAC). Ms. Mokhtarzadeh, seeking election as the USAC’S president, would bring extensive…

In an Attempt to Explain and Save Religion

From Ha’Am’s Winter Edition, “The Divide”  It seems to me that we need to separate what we call “religion” in our modern world into two disparate entities. On the one hand, we have the moral ideas that a religious man…

History of Hypocrisy in UN Attitudes Toward Zionism

From Ha’Am’s Winter Print Edition, “The Divide” There were 33 countries in favor of United Nations Resolution 181(II), which called for the partition of Palestine into independent Arab and Jewish states. At the time of the resolution, 56 countries were…

Business, the Natural Environment and Jewish Values: Competing Interests or Symbiosis?

From Ha’Am’s Winter Edition, “The Divide”  Conventional public sentiment presumes that pursuit of profit and protection of the environment are mutually exclusive interests. Where does the Halacha — Jewish religious law — fall on these issues? Many businesses have long…

An Unorthodox Transfer

“It’s an unorthodox move but I think it’s the right thing to do,” I repeated to my friends who either asked about or questioned my resolution. It wasn’t an easy decision and took significantly longer to choose than I expected,…

Submission: The Persian Jokes Were Never Funny

The Persian jokes were never funny. It’s time our community stopped laughing.

PewDiePie’s Anti-Semitic Joke: Death to All Jews

Two South Asian in loincloths dance, a poster declaring “Death to all Jews” in their hands: In his attempt to “entertain,” Pewdiepie went too far.