Written by David J. Chernobylsky “David, isn’t this beautiful? Look at the sun, the sky. It’s so clear today. The water, it’s like crystal. I couldn’t have ordered better weather today myself! David? David! Stop playing with your Batman cape…
BFI’s next president: Omer Hit
Although students often dread Mondays, they can turn out to be sunny and exciting if they’re filled with the right people. This past Monday, I had the pleasure of interviewing the president-elect of Bruins for Israel, Omer Hit, a third-year…
Bruin Passover meal plan options
Passover is just around the corner, which means Jewish Bruins may be the hungriest students at UCLA for those eight days. Thankfully, UCLA has an amazingly supportive Jewish community that makes sure its students eat heartily. Hillel, Chabad and JAM…
International Jews of UCLA
UCLA’s prestige, location, and admiration for diversity within its student body has made it a highly attractive university for potential attendees around the world. In fact, international students constitute 12.6 percent of UCLA’s undergraduate program. Elinor Samuel: The Tea-Loving Hippophile…
“Accepted” outsiders: the Jewish people in Germany today
“Germans and Jews never mixed well.” This was spat during one of my ten trips to Germany throughout my lifetime — each of which was accompanied by my family’s mini travel Shabbat set. The quote is a declaration of hatred…
Jewish Humans of UCLA: united in our differences
Growing up, I was always fascinated by the diversity of Judaism. I loved the idea that the religion was portable and adaptable; that each person could make it his or her own, yet feel one hundred percent assured of the…
Resolution condemning anti-Semitism passes at UCLA with 12-0-0 vote
On Tuesday, Mar. 10, UCLA’s Undergraduate Students Association Council voted on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism. The resolution was drafted by leaders in the Jewish Bruin community, and gained support via signatures from 17 organizations across campus — including Hillel at…
Seville and Civility: The necessity of reforming Jewish-Muslim relations on campus
A history of symbolic violence It does not appear coincidental that a recent rise in rhetoric leveled against Jews across the world has coincided with a devaluation of the term anti-Semitism. Jews often use the term not only to describe…
Chai On Life — an alternative Shabbat experience
On a beautiful Saturday morning, most Southern Californians like to take advantage of the first day of the weekend by heading out for a rewarding and calming hike, and UCLA sophomore Noah Lizerbram feels no differently. For Lizerbram, however, experiencing…
Achy Breaky Heart fundraiser raises thousands for charitable organizations
Photos by Andrew Rosenstein This past Thursday evening, Bruins for Israel and GlobeMed at UCLA partnered up for their fourth annual Achy Breaky Heart fundraiser, a Valentine’s Day themed event to raise money for two health organizations — Save a…