So you got into UCLA? Mazel Tov! Getting into UCLA is only the beginning. Now is the fun part: making Jewish Bruin Experiences! Can you check them all off? 1. Read a Ha’Am Article: Just keep reading and this one…
Disloyal: A Diatribe on Campus Evangelism
“No thanks, I’m Jewish.” In case you’re not already aware, this is the single least effective way to brush off someone eager to trap you into a conversation about Jesus and the good news for your immortal soul. These four…
The Real Rabbis of Westwood: An Interview With Rabbi Dovid Gurevich
This series is named after the popular TV franchise known as the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. We have a bit of a different mission, though. Whereas the Real Housewives series aims to highlight drama between its subjects, the Real…
A Jewish Guide to Handling Stress
Stressed out? Some Jewish tips to keep you sane: Another year, another fall quarter. In 2013, when my husband and I were starting out at JAM at UCSB, my husband made a Facebook post wishing all the students much success…
Historical Ha’Am: “Judaism Finds New Home on Campus” by Nader Pouration
Historical Ha’Am is a new weekly column that is focused on bringing archived articles into the electronic age. Each week, Ha’Am staff will choose one article that was printed in our newspaper before the Ha’Am website existed. While this column…
An Interview with Brandon Broukhim, a Candidate for General Representative in the Upcoming USAC Election
Today I sat down with Brandon Broukhim, a political candidate for the position of USAC General Representative, to discuss the election and his platform. Brandon’s platform focuses on solving issues faced by the everyday student. In our interview, he stressed…
Eight Non-Jewish UCLA Student Council Representatives Deny Antisemitism, Pass Resolution Arguing NSJP Targeted by False “Accusations of Antisemitism”
Sole Jewish representative votes no. Hillel at UCLA not explicitly invited to meeting. One action item reappeared on the weekly agendas for the first three meetings of UCLA’s newly sworn-in student government: a resolution condemning “misinformation” about Students for Justice…
USAC Elections: Candidate Statements on Jewish Community and Anti-Semitism
Ha’Am reached out to USAC candidates and asked them, if elected, how they would represent the Jewish community at the student government council table. Introductions and voting solicitations have been redacted. Candidate statements have not been otherwise edited. Contested offices:…
That’s a Wrap: A Message From the Editor in Chief, Winter 2019
How often do you leave Westwood? When you’re a Jewish student at UCLA, it’s hard to find the time, between classes, studies, campus organizations, and social life to even think about the possibility of taking a day off for a…