“Democracy Under Attack” screamed the webpage of Ha’aretz – a popular, left-leaning Israeli broadsheet last week. The event prompting the headline was a proposed alteration to the wording of the Libel Law, submitted this month to the Knesset by three members of its ruling coalition. Having passed a first reading, the change is likely to be accepted. However, public opposition has quickly arisen, opening up an important debate on the limits on free speech in the Jewish state.
Accusations of hyperbole may, at first glance, have some basis. The proposed changes relate primarily to the monetary fine attached to “slanderous speech,” and a seemingly technical rewording of the requirement to prove damage. However, legal experts have suggested that the law could presumably be stretched to include throwaway comments made on Facebook groups and news websites.
“The world of George Orwell is upon us,” lamented MK Shaul Mofaz (Kadima).
Prime Minister Netanyahu hit back, “We are taking proportionate, responsible action…our democracy will be healthier and stronger.”
Behind the rhetoric, there are legitimate concerns that the press’s ability or willingness to investigate government corruption will be hampered by the astronomic fines (NIS 300,000 [$81,000] for unsubstantiated damage and up to NIS 600,000 [$162,000] if the damage is proven).
Supporters of the bill claim that restrictions are necessary. The Israeli press does have a tendency to fast-track dirt on public figures for publication without taking much trouble in verifying it, and the resulting false accusations can often be career-ending. Still, the right-leaning politicians passing the bill generally perceive themselves as victims of an ingrained left-wing bias in the media, and suspicions remain.

Being a South African citizen, I immediately noticed a parallel with news coming out about the Protection of State Information bill, more commonly known as the Secrecy law. The bill has crucially strengthened the government’s ability to classify information, giving any ruling party official the right to declare a document a state secret. The bill predictably passed by a huge majority – no surprise considering the sizable majority that the ANC enjoys in South Africa’s parliament. Pending approval by the National Council of Provinces, the law is expected to be passed in the near future.
Outrage has been immediate from the local media. A protest referred to as Black Tuesday was staged by the National Press Club. Thousands of protesters wore black – a reference to a similar tactic used during the apartheid government’s crackdowns on press freedoms.
The Star, a popular Johannesburg newspaper, echoed the editorials coming out of Tel Aviv, calling the South African law an “attack on open democracy.”
Another daily termed it an “abomination,” comparing it to the previous South African regime’s notorious censorship and intimidation of journalists.
The issue is particularly sensitive in South Africa. In a region where the fall of colonialism has often led to chaotic and brutal dictatorships – with neighbour Zimbabwe a prime example – there is a constant fear that if the leadership is given too much power, there may be no way back. Government corruption is already prevalent, and a vigilant media has played a large role in keeping it under control. Fears remain that the law may leave investigative journalists seeking accountability open to prosecution and create an atmosphere in which whistle-blowers are afraid to come forward.
“Nonsense,” charges ANC spokesman Keith Khoza, claiming that people will still be able to prove public interest through the Access of Information Act.
Although there are parallels between the two situations, the comparisons are a little exaggerated. Israel was founded by left-wing European socialists on the principles of the Enlightenment, and has a tradition of forceful debate and self-criticism. In South Africa, where allegations of corruption are rife, it is easier to see press censorship precipitating a general decline in standards of free speech in the country.
Allowing government officials free rein in classifying documents may also present more of a temptation than letting them sue reporters for libel. Still, there is a large gap between either of the laws and the “draconian” measures “undermining democracy” decried by Reporters Without Borders.
Nor is the issue so cut-and-dried as an infringement on the free availability of information. Free speech is not without limits, as even U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. declared that shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theatre is a classic example of speech not protected by the First Amendment given that it would serve no conceivable useful purpose and is extremely and imminently dangerous.
However, that which we perceive to be useful purpose or imminent danger vary greatly with perspective. Consequences attached to libel and classification of state secrets are definite examples of limits which need to be placed on free speech. But the delicate balance between censorship and freedom should not be changed without a vigorous public discourse.
The debates continue to rage. As always, threats to civil liberties evoke heavy emotions, but the mere fact that such debates are held is a good sign for any country. Whatever the outcome may be, proclamations of the death of democracy are probably exaggerated.
I seriously couldn’t get myself to read pass the point were you started to compare this to South Africa, mainly due to the fact that you completely misunderstand and make a destructive mess with your interpretation of Israeli politics and the public opinion on this law.
Lets start with your first problem Haaretz’s.
Haaretz in not a popular newspaper in Israel, to the contrary it is one of the most notorious Israeli news papers. It leans to the far right and has a very bad reputation for falsification of facts and misleading truths on events to make it fit its agenda. A very clear post Zionist agenda that has an issue with the Netanyahu government.
Public opinion raised by the law or public backlash? Almost non existent if you ask the average Israeli that is fed up with the way Israeli journalists can completely destroy someone and hold almost no accountability when it is found to be false accusation. Which has become a serious issue in the day to day media reports in recent years.
The outrage that is being expressed against the law is coming mainly from the Journalists themselves and from small portions of the Israel left. The real Public has its faith in the Israeli press on the decline. Many see this as a positive step to keep the journalists at bay and force them to stop the sloppiness that has plagued the Israeli media.
This leads of back to Haaretz, which is known to be one of the most irresponsible news organizations in Israel. They have a clear agenda against this Law. It will undermine their ability carelessly use their power at the expense of others and force them to put more effort into their reporting. Same with the other major news organizations. All of them have lost the public support because of their relentless attacks on those that oppose their agenda. In fact that has been a much greater harm to freedom of speech and democracy. If it isn’t their opinion it is slandered and if it harms their agenda it quieted down.
If you can read hebrew I advise you to read this column by and Israeli journalist that writes for Maarive. He talked about his fellow journalists and how they are they ones that are trying to destroy Israels democracy.
And to add something for the end.
Before you ever dare compare Israel to another country and call this an article. You should do more indebted research on Israeli society. And if you do feel like criticizing try being a true journalist and try to make it less obvious where your opinion lays. If you put some more effort into understanding Israeli society you would have found a better argument for the law then just a bunch of right wing politicians try to undermine the lefts on Israeli public opinion.
I forgot to add this: Joshua Friedlander is a student at Machon Lev in Jerusalem, Israel.
Thanks for the feedback Tomer. One or two points in response:
I did use Ha’aretz’s headline as an opening hook, but my article was not based on their coverage. As I mentioned further down, it is unquestionably slanted.
I researched this article on both Hebrew- and English-language websites, representing the right and the left, and endeavoured to give a balanced portrayal of the issue.
There has been a public response to the law in Israel, not just from journalists. In fact, the idea for this piece came from some comments I heard from a “sabra” (native-born Israeli) friend of mine.
I’m puzzled by your comment that it is “obvious” where my opinion lies. I am far from sure myself.
Again, I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I do live in Israel as it happens, and can testify to its vibrant and democratic nature. However, the right to free speech should never be taken for granted. We would do well to maintain vigilance at all times for any slight infringements on it – whether from the right, or the left.
looks like one law firm is taking the israeli libel laws global!
we just received mail of an impending suit if we don’t tow the israeli legal line. whateever that is 😉
If you don’t live in Israel I don’t think you have anything to worry about. (See this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_international_law#The_status_of_foreign_law )