World Arts and Cultures Department Displays Pro-Hamas Artwork: Jewish Student Perspectives on Their Culture’s Exclusion

World Arts and Cultures (WAC) at UCLA prides itself on establishing a community that embraces diversity. However, within the halls of Kaufman, the home of WAC, laid a more sinister display. Laden in the central walkway for all eyes to…

Far-Right Extremism and Anti-Semitism

It has been said that antisemitism is the oldest form of hatred in the world. In the Torah, the Jewish people dealt with Amalek, the greatest enemy of the Jewish people who was cursed to pursue this hatred for the…

Hen Mazzig: Confronting the Rise of “Modern” Antisemitism

When Hen Mazzig came to speak at the UCLA Hillel in late October, I had no expectation of seeing him again ten days later at the Jewish National Fund’s National Conference in Boston, some 2,500 miles away from Westwood.  While…

Dear Rabbi: In the face of anti-semitic acts, how should we act?

“Dear Rabbi” is Ha’Am’s advice column. Every month, Ha’Am will ask one question posed by our readers to five UCLA Jewish leaders: Rabbi Aaron Lerner, Rabbi Alex Kress, Rabbi Naftali Hanfling, Rabbi Dovid Gurevich, and Sharona Kaplan. Their answers will…

Jewish Leaders at UCLA Provide Input Regarding Search for New Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The search for a new Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (VC EDI) has launched since the current Vice Chancellor, Jerry Kang, announced that he would be stepping down this year at the end of his five-year term. As…

Staff Member Sarah Fields on the AntiSemitism She Has Endured and How it Has Shaped Her

California’s San Francisco Bay Area is a progressive hub. However, it was the Bay Area where while growing up, Ha’Am’s own Sarah Fields’ Jewish identity was pushed away from her due to vicious acts of antisemitism.  A young Sarah Fields…

Response to Daily Bruin Editorial on the Poway Shooting

A young self-avowed white nationalist walks into a synagogue in Poway with an AR-15 rifle. Yelling anti-Semitic slurs, he shoots and kills Lori Gilbert Kaye, the mother of a current UCLA student. He wounds but does not manage to kill…

History of Hypocrisy in UN Attitudes Toward Zionism

From Ha’Am’s Winter Print Edition, “The Divide” There were 33 countries in favor of United Nations Resolution 181(II), which called for the partition of Palestine into independent Arab and Jewish states. At the time of the resolution, 56 countries were…

PewDiePie’s Anti-Semitic Joke: Death to All Jews

Two South Asian in loincloths dance, a poster declaring “Death to all Jews” in their hands: In his attempt to “entertain,” Pewdiepie went too far.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 and anti-Semitism

Despite its increasing presence and impact on college campuses, anti-Semitism’s definition has become inexplicably blurred and political. The Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 was proposed this March urging University of California campuses to condemn anti-Semitism and racism. Responses have varied; however,…