This week, the Ha’Am staff took the challenge of learning something surprising about Jews, Judaism or Israel. Check out our favorites among them: 1. The original spy rabbi: the Mossad now has an official rabbi to rule on conflicts of…
Ha’Am Hits: Jews at the Olympics
1. Games season began with a commemoration of the Israeli team kidnapped and murdered over 30 years ago in the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany. 2. Numerous Jews have participated in the Olympics since their inception in 1896 and hundreds…
Sandwiches for Smiles at Hillel
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” — Anne Frank Hillel at UCLA is known for its social justice projects, whether they are religiously affiliated or not. On Wednesday evening…
Film Review: The Last of the Unjust
An achievement in the school of physically oppressive cinema, Claude Laznmann’s The Last of the Unjust spans slightly more than three and a half hours and relies on two factors to compel its viewers to keep to their seats: the…
Ha’Am Hits: American Jews
This week, the Ha’Am staff followed the latest concerning American Jewry. Take a look at some of our favorites! 1. Mike Dube, also known as the “Santa of tzedakah (charity),” makes it his business to bring smiles to critically ill…
Ha’Am Hits: Stand With Israel
With Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel garnering so much press recently, Ha’Am’s staff picked their favorite links for why Israel is great — and BDS is, well, not. 1. One reason to support Israel: it’s a bastion of morality…
10 Signs You Know You are Jewish at UCLA
*in no particular order… 1) You think of clever and creative ways to spy the Jewishness of other Bruins whom you have just met — maybe by looking for Star of David necklaces or bringing up a Jewish event that…
Ha’Am Hits: Jews in the Media
As Jews working in the media, this week the Ha’Am staff decided to look at other Jews who have been featured in the media. Take a look at our hits of the week: 1. A (Jewish) actor whose decision to…